Statement by Executive Mayor Gesie van Deventer
29 October 2021
Mayor Gesie van Deventer and Municipal Manager Geraldine Mettler joined taxi associations of Franschhoek for the official opening of the Franschhoek Taxi Rank this morning.
With the collapse of rail infrastructure and reliable rail transport in South Africa, taxis have become a key role-player in moving our people from one place to the next. More and more residents rely on taxis to get them to work, school, the shops and home. This is precisely why the municipality decided that it is important to invest in the construction and upgrading of taxi ranks in our municipal area.
The need for a facility like this was identified by the community during the IDP public participation process. After full consultation with stakeholders, the design of the facility commenced in 2018, and construction work started in 2019. The facility is much more than just a taxi rank. It includes:
- A Taxi rank with an overhead shelter;
- Formal and informal LED trading facilities;
- A taxi operations management office;
- A multi-purpose venue for various activities and community recreational spaces, including an enclosed waiting area for those transferring to travel long distances.
The new facility includes undercover holding and loading areas for taxi’s, waiting areas for commuters, administrative buildings, meeting rooms, ablution facilities and facilities for a caretaker. Now for the first time ever, residents will have a formalised rank, with decent amenities and a roof to shield commuters from the winter rain and harsh summer sun.
Today’s opening follows hot on the heels of the opening of the new Klapmuts Taxi Rank in August of this year. The Mayor also conducted a site inspection at the Kayamandi Taxi Rank earlier this week. The Kayamandi Taxi Rank is undergoing extensive upgrades and the opening will be scheduled before the end of the year.
“This forms part of our ongoing efforts to improve public transportation services across the municipal area. This is another wonderful day for the community of Groendal and Franschhoek and I implore the community to take full ownership of this facility. Please take care of it”, said the Mayor.