Stellenbosch Municipality took ownership of its brand new state-of-the-art fire fighting vehicle this week. This new fire fighting vehicle is made in South Africa and we were the first municipality in the country to receive this particular model (Marce 4×4 CAFS Pumper). R4.5 million was budgeted for this vehicle.
This Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS) pumper is a much needed new edition to our emergency vehicle fleet. The new pumper uses a combination of pressurised foam, air and water to fight fires, saving water in the process, but also enhancing our fire fighting abilities significantly.
Confronting a fire using the CAFS-system reduces the amount of time it takes to bring a fire under control. It is nearly 5 times faster and more effective than using water alone. This equates to less water usage, less harmful runoff and less required overhaul. The CAFS-system also helps keep our fire fighters safer in the hostile environment of a fire scene and reduces attack times, flashover, hose line weight as well as exposure and fatigue.
The vehicle boasts with an innovative smart foam system – an intelligent, automated around-the-pump (ATP) foam system that delivers high-volume foam for every fire situation – thereby eliminating the problems with a more traditional, manual system. The system automatically regulates the foam ratio control valve, reducing the opportunity for operator error and wasted foam.
The vehicle is also equipped with an extremely durable deck monitor (water cannon) that is both wired and wireless providing improved performance and operator control. The maximum flow rate is 5000 litres per minute.
We are proud of this latest addition to our fleet as it will greatly improve and modernise our fire fighting capabilities – keeping our communities safer and serving our towns for generations to come.