Last modified: December 14, 2020
January 30, 2019| Community, Town News| Stellenbosch Municipality
Mayor van Deventer was part of the University procession through campus when she recently took part in the first ever Dream Walk.
The procession walked through campus as part of a new tradition of welcoming the more than 5000 new first year students and their parents.
As part of the ceremony, students and faculty members had the opportunity to write their dreams on a card and place it on trees in Victoria Street. This follows the Centenary Celebrations in 2018 and launched the next 100 years of excellence at the Stellenbosch University on a high note.
A warm welcome to our new student residents!
Media queries:
Stuart Grobbelaar T: 021 808 8172 | C: 084 036 1395
Mart-Marié Haasbroek T: 021 808 8024 | C: 072 910 3724
Last modified: December 14, 2020
PO. Box 17, Stellenbosch, 7600
Town House Complex • Plein Street, Stellenbosch, 7600
T: 021 808 8111 • Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm