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- Create Date December 10, 2021
- Last Updated December 10, 2021
A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the Employer will be held at 10:00 on 12 January 2022 at Stellenbosch Public Library, 14 Plein Street, Stellenbosch Central. Tenderers who fail to attend the compulsory information session will be regarded as non-compliant. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, a limited number of people may attend the compulsory clarification meeting and it is therefore requested that only one representative per company may attend. To control the number of people at the compulsory meeting, a notice of intention must be submitted by email to ingriddj@bviwc.co.za by no later than 10 January 2022 at 10:00 (48 hours before meeting). Only people registered will be allowed to attend the compulsory meeting. No walk-in attendance will be permitted. All attendees will be required to wear mask and need to bring own writing material.COVID-19 Precautions: Screening for temperature, sanitizing of hands, social distancing and the wearing of masks will be compulsory.
Subcontracting as condition of tender (Regulation 9):
- The successful tenderer must subcontract a minimum of 30% of the contract to:
- An EME or QSE
Local production and content is applicable to this bid. Bidders must use the exchange rate published by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) at 12:00 on 10 December 2021. The guidance document for the calculation of local content is included in the bid document and is also available on the municipality’s website by following the Supply Chain Management link. If raw material or input to be used for a specific item is not available locally, bidders should obtain written authorisation from the dti should there be a need to import such raw material or input. A copy of the authorization letter must be submitted together with this tender document at the closing date and time of bid. Please note that the requirements in terms of local production and content are fully contained in the tender document
The following condition to Tender exist (failure to comply may result in your Tender being disqualified):
- It is a requirement of this tender that a minimum of 30% of the contract value will have to be sub-contracted as prescribed by the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000: Preferential Procurement Regulations of 2017.
CIDB : Class of Construction Works: 8CE or 8GB or higher.
CLOSING DATE: 7 February 2022 at 12h00:
Attached Files
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Tender BSM 25 22 The Construction of Polkadraai Water Supply Scheme Adverts only.pdf |