23 April 2024
In the aftermath of the recent winds and fires that swept through our beloved towns, words seem inadequate to express the gratitude that fills our hearts. The outpouring of support and generosity from our community has been nothing short of amazing, reminding us of the strength and resilience that binds us together.
To each and every resident, business, church, NGO, and individual who extended a helping hand, we offer our sincerest thanks. The donations that flooded in, ranging from clothing and food to toiletries, toys, and stationary, were a testament to the spirit of solidarity that exists within our community. No gesture was too small, and each contribution made a meaningful difference.
In die aangesig van uitdagings het ons saamgestaan, vasbeslote om te herbou en te herstel wat verlore gegaan het. Julle vrygewigheid het nie net dadelike verligting gebring nie, maar het ons ook gevul met nuwe krag en dankbaarhied om onsself Stellenbossers te noem.
Ek is diep geraak deur die ondersteuning wat ons ontvang het, en ek wil my opregte dank betuig aan elke persoon wat bygedra het. Julle het ‘n wêreld van verskil gemaak, en ek is werklik dankbaar. Baie dankie aan almal.
Mayor / Burgemeester Gesie van Deventer