29 January 2024
Stellenbosch Municipality acknowledges challenges around cable theft regularly affecting several areas in the Dwarsriver Valley.
It is crucial to clarify that these network infrastructures are owned by ‘n neighbouring Municipality or in many cases by ESKOM itself.
It is inaccurate to assert that Stellenbosch Municipality has not taken proactive measures.
The following actions have been implemented to address the issue:
1. We have engaged with SARPA (Southern Africa Revenue Protection Association) to secure an increased police presence in the vicinity of the theft-prone areas;
2. The thefts have been reported at the Non-Ferrous Theft Forum during the Cape Winelands Cluster Meeting;
3. All copper overhead lines on the Stellenbosch Infrastructure side have been replaced with aluminium lines, which hold no value for thieves. This measure has proven effective in mitigating theft;
4. Drakenstein Municipality is currently in the process of replacing their cables with a similar approach;
5. The concerns have been brought to the attention of the AMEU (Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities) for intervention.
It is important to acknowledge that the South African Police Service faces resource limitations in patrolling the entire length of cables. However, both Municipalities and the mentioned forums are actively working to find a sustainable solution to the theft issue. We appreciate your patience, and updates will be provided as developments unfold.
We encourage communities to contact the SAPS or our Municipal Control Room to report cable theft in any area: