1 April 2022
The Mayoral Fund plays an exceptionally important role in our municipality as it offers the Executive Mayor the opportunity to help communities in extreme circumstances where assistance is not possible under the Municipality Financial guidelines.
Most requests for assistance or financial support are dealt with through the normal Grants-in-Aid Policy, but some deserving requests fall outside the ambit of this policy, and are then dealt with through the Mayoral Fund. The Mayoral Golf Day is an important event that raises money for the Mayoral Fund.
“As Burgemeester ontvang op ʼn gereelde basis versoeke vir hulp van inwoners wat in nood verkeer of hulp nodig het. My fokus met die fonds is absoluut om inwoners te help en by te staan wat deur uiterse moeilike omstandighede gaan of graag ʼn geleentheid wil skep binne hulle gemeenskap, maar nie die hulpbronne het om dit te doen nie. Ons hulpbronne is egter beperk en ons oorweeg elke aansoek baie deeglik, ” sê Burgemeester Gesie van Deventer.
Over the last few years, the Mayoral fund assisted indigent families who experienced hardship, contributed towards Cloetesville High School’s hosting of the annual athletics meeting, provided transport for beneficiaries of title deed events, assisted with the construction material for a roof damaged during a storm in Lanquedoc and provided transport costs for an elderly outing to Swellendam and a community event in Cloetesville.
The fund is established under section 12 of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA). It is important to note that the fund is managed and audited in the strictest terms to avoid abuse and misappropriation.
“Ek wil graag ‘n opregte woord van dank uitspreek aan elke deelnemer, elke borg, elke persoon vir hul bydraes en deelname. Baie dankie ook aan die Stellenbosch Gholfklub en Raadslid Rikus Badenhorst vir die puik organisering van hierdie geleentheid. Die fondse wat hier ingesamel word gaan werklik ‘n verskil maak aan behoeftige inwoners, ” sê Burgemeester Gesie van Deventer.