Yesterday, Western Cape Minister of Human Settlements, Tertuis Simmers, along with the Executive Mayor of Stellenbosch, Advocate Gesie van Deventer handed over 16 title deeds to deserving recipients in Simonsberg Street, Pniel.
This brings the number of title deeds handed over this week to 34, after 18 were handed over to Khayelitsha residents on Monday, 19 October 2020.
Minister Simmers said: “It pleases me to ensure that our residents are empowered in this manner. This is critical, as more citizens are now legal homeowners, which opens a myriad of opportunities. Sharing in the joy of our beneficiaries is priceless and a moment I would not exchange for anything else. The handover is particularly pleasing as most of the beneficiaries, who displayed tears of joy and gratitude, have been waiting for between 20 to 30 years for this title deed.
I’d like to thank all the stakeholders, including the Stellenbosch Municipality, who have made this handover possible. It demonstrates what can be achieved if the different spheres of government and the private sector work together. Our people now have been given a sense of security and pride.
Mayor van Deventer said: “I urge residents to look after their homes. This is a safe space you can return to every day, knowing it belongs to you. This is where you can raise your children and leave a legacy for your descendants. This is not just a piece of paper; it is an asset which now belongs to you and your family. Title deeds are important as they empower residents with the ownership of their homes. It is a big step toward redressing the legacy of our past and bringing more of our residents into the economy.”
Mr and Mrs Herman Robus could not contain their joy, with Mr Robus (60) saying: “This has been a worthwhile wait. Our patience have been rewarded and we now have an opportunity to build for the future. Thank you to all who made this day possible.”
“The handover further shows our continued commitment to accelerate the handover of title deeds to deserving beneficiaries. I’ve already given my officials the instruction to ensure that more title deed handovers occur, and the two handovers this week demonstrates that this instruction is being taken to heart.
As the Western Cape Government, we will continue to strive towards establishing an enabling environment, so that we are better placed to grant beneficiaries security of tenure and make more residents legal homeowners by handing over these title deeds” added Simmers.
Media Enquiries:
Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers
021 483 3397 (o)
082 721 3362 (m)
Nathan Adriaanse
Director Communication & Stakeholder Relations
Tell: 021 483 2868
Mobile: 083 2631720