Last modified: December 14, 2020
March 3, 2020| Community, Health| Stellenbosch Municipality
Over the past weekend, 28 February – 1 March 2020, Stellenbosch Municipal Law Enforcement joined the South African Police Service in various special Liquor and Drug operations across the municipal area. Several arrests for the possession of drugs and the sale of alcohol without licenses were made. Drugs and alcohol confiscated from our streets during these operations include –
• 7 large bags of tik
• 56 small bags of tik
• 20 mandrax tablets
• 170 liters of alcohol
Criminal cases have been opened against all of the accused. We will continue to work with public and private safety stakeholders to ensure that our streets are safe for our children. If you suspect any illegal activity, including the sale of drugs and illegal alcohol, please contact –
• Municipal Law Enforcement (021) 808 8890
• SAPS Stellenbosch (021) 809 5000
• SAPS Cloetesville (021) 888 5940
• SAPS Klapmuts (021) 875 8000
• SAPS Kayamandi (021) 889 5761
• SAPS Groot Drakenstein (021) 874 8000
• SAPS Franschhoek (021) 876 8061
Media enquiries:
Stuart Grobbelaar T: 021 808 8172 | C: 084 036 1395
Last modified: December 14, 2020
PO. Box 17, Stellenbosch, 7600
Town House Complex • Plein Street, Stellenbosch, 7600
T: 021 808 8111 • Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm