Statement by Chief Financial Officer, Mr Kevin Carolus
The Stellenbosch Municipality is once again in a position to report credible and reliable financial and performance results, evidenced by the unqualified audit opinion issued by the Auditor General of South Africa. The audit outcome reflects that the municipality maintained a healthy financial position year on year. The latest audit outcomes marks the 12th consecutive year of unqualified audit outcomes in Stellenbosch.
An unqualified audit opinion means that our financial statements are fairly and appropriately presented and in compliance with generally recognised accounting principles (GRAP).
“We are proud of the hard work that our councillors and officials are doing to ensure sound financial management practices at the municipality. There is a clear commitment that every cent of municipal spending must be accounted for in a transparent manner. We have instilled a culture of good governance and accountability within our organisation – unmatched when taking into consideration the audit outcomes of many similar municipalities across South Africa. For this, we can indeed be proud and we must continuously work to improve even further,” said Municipal Manager Geraldine Mettler.
The AG reported one area for improvement as far as it relates to the annual financial statements closeout procedures. As part of leadership and management’s continuous commitments to evolve, the municipality has already taken steps to implement the recommendation of the AG in this regard. We would like to thank the AG for their continued support in strengthening compliance in Stellenbosch.
Sound financial management and clean governance builds a municipality that is better equipped to deliver services and creates an environment for jobs and growth that will benefit all communities.
Media queries:
Stuart Grobbelaar T: 021 808 8172 | C: 084 036 1395
Mart-Marié Haasbroek T: 021 808 8024 | C: 072 910 3724