2025 General Valuation Roll Information and Resources
Thank you for visiting our website for information on the 2025 General Valuation (GV) Roll. Below, you will find key documents to help you understand and engage with the valuation process:
2025 GV Objection Form: For residents who wish to object to their property valuation, please download and complete this form. Follow the instructions carefully to ensure your submission is processed correctly.
General Valuation Roll: Abridged Catalogue: This document provides an overview of property valuations in a summarized format, offering a convenient reference to the values assessed.
Valuation Rolls Volumes 1 - 27: Access each volume for a comprehensive list of properties and valuations. These volumes are organized to make finding specific properties as efficient as possible.
Written comments or representations are invited from the public and can be lodged with Adele Wagenaar at Ecclesia Building, 2nd floor, Plein Road, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600. Enquiries in this regard can be directed to Adele Wagenaar at 021 808 8512 or Adele.Wagenaar@stellenbosch.gov.za
Comments should be provided by no later than Thursday, 6 June 2024.